Article Courtesy of: Inman News
By: Laura Vinalet 

Even though there are different opinions on how to use hashtags, one thing is certain: When used properly, hashtags can greatly increase your social media engagement and visibility

Social media marketing is constantly changing and advancing — the intelligent use of hashtags and location tags has emerged as an indispensable strategy for enhancing engagement and amplifying online presence. Nevertheless, the art and science of deploying these tools effectively necessitate a certain level of mastery.

According to an in-depth analysis by Building Better Agents, posts on Instagram employing location tags experience an uplift of 12.6 percent in engagement compared to their untagged counterparts. Effectively using hashtags drives this statistic further, skyrocketing the engagement rate by an impressive 79 percent. Hashtags and location tags are potent, but only when employed correctly.

Strategic Hashtag Categorization

To optimize hashtag usage, industry veterans recommend categorizing them into what’s known as “hashtag buckets.” These buckets segregate hashtags into specific categories, such as location, professional terms, transactional identifiers, property style, luxury markers, and hybrid labels that blend multiple categories.

This method ensures the relevancy of your hashtags, making them more targeted and enhancing engagement effectiveness.

  • Location: #county #city #neighborhood
  • Professional: #realtor #realestate #realestateagent #yourbrokeragename
  • Transactional: #forsale #justlisted #newlisting #homeforsale #openhouse
  • Property Style: #beachfront #bungalow #dreamhome
  • Luxury: #luxuryrealestate #luxuryliving #luxurylife #luxuryhome
  • Hybrid: #cityrealestate #cityrealtor #cityforsale #cityopenhouse

Balancing quantity and quality

When considering the optimal number of hashtags, less proves to be more, especially on Instagram. While the platform permits up to 30 hashtags per post, restraint often yields better results. Social media experts suggest an optimal range of 11 hashtags. However, maintaining a range between three and 11 hashtags strikes a balance between boosting engagement and avoiding the appearance of spam.

On Facebook, a different rule applies. Hashtags are considered redundant and can even distract from the core message. Should you choose to use them, limit yourself to a single, exceptional hashtag.

Twitter’s dynamics differ slightly. Although hashtags can enhance engagement, overuse can have the opposite effect. Research by Sprout Social indicates that tweets with one or two hashtags can increase engagement by 21 percent, but employing more than two can reduce engagement by 17 percent.

Prioritizing relevance over popularity

Using popular hashtags may seem like a good idea, but it can harm your brand’s reputation if you use them without considering whether they are relevant to your content. Users can tell when hashtags are used solely to attract attention, which can lead to negative feedback. Therefore, it’s vital to choose hashtags that accurately reflect your content.

To find relevant hashtags in the vast world of social media, start by brainstorming keywords that align with your content, brand, or campaign. Then, explore these keywords using resources, including Instagram’s search function or dedicated hashtag analytics platforms, such as Sprout Social or Hootsuite.

These tools will provide you with a list of related hashtags and their popularity data. It’s important to remember that while trending hashtags can increase visibility, relevance is key to engaging your target audience. So, choose hashtags that accurately reflect your content and resonate with your followers. This strategic approach will not only help you find relevant hashtags but also increase your engagement with your audience.

It’s important to remember that using hashtags isn’t the same across all social media platforms. Each platform requires a different approach, and it’s crucial to use relevant hashtags. You need to customize your hashtags based on the content you’re sharing, the platform you’re using, and your target audience.

Even though there are different opinions on how to use hashtags, one thing is certain: When used properly, hashtags can greatly increase your social media engagement and visibility. Be sure to use this tool wisely by adjusting your approach to meet the best practices of each platform in your social media strategy.

Want to learn more about social media marketing? Check out our new, monthly social media webinar series here.

Laura Viñalet is the CEO of Keenability, a marketing agency specializing in lifestyle marketing that targets the affluent buyer.

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