Educational Programs
Advance your career through BOMA Boston's educational programs. Learn more about taking Foundations of Real Estate Management, getting your Real Property Administrator (RPA) Designation, or becoming a Certified Manager of Commercial Properties (CMCP). Other professional development opportunities will also be available to help our members be the best of the best in the commercial real estate industry. 
Let us know what other educational programs and professional development topics you'd like to learn!
Contact Kathryn Morgan, Senior Education & Events Coordinator at [email protected]

                                                          Foundations of Real Estate Management

The Foundations of Real Estate Management is an entry-level course covering the fundamentals of commercial real estate administration, management, building systems, accounting/reporting, contract management, and more. This course is recommended for students and entry-level professionals who are considering a career in commercial real estate. Experienced instructors, peer networking, and a building tour are included in this five-day course.

Learn more about Foundations of Real Estate Management

                         Certified Manager of Commercial Properties (CMCP)

The Certified Manager of Commercial Properties™ (CMCP) demonstrates your ability to be an effective commercial property manager and validates foundational knowledge in key areas of property management. This certification is recommended to early career commercial property managers.

Learn more about the CMCP Certification.

             Real Property Administrator (RPA) Designation

BOMA Boston partners with BOMI International to offer the Real Property Administrator (RPA) Designation, which positions property managers for success by providing insight into and knowledge of operating a commercial building.

Visit our BOMI Education Calendar for upcoming courses.


                                     Larry Lenrow CRE Education Scholarship

BOMA Boston offers the Larry Lenrow CRE Education Scholarship offers students the opportunity to apply for the scholarship to cover the cost of one Foundations of Real Estate Management Course with BOMA Boston, BOMA International Annual Conference Registration, BOMI Designation Class with BOMA Boston or BOMI Online, or the CMCP Certification with CRECI.

Learn more about the Larry Lenrow CRE Education Scholarship.



BOMA Networking Nite: Boston
53 State Street
BOMI: Design, Operation, and Maintenance, Part II
Virtual Via Zoom
Connect With BOMA Breakfast
1 Center Plaza
BOMI: Real Estate Investment & Finance
Virtual Via Zoom
BOMA Boston Toby Awards
The Westin Copley Place